September 25 - 29, 2023
Storm Water Awareness Week is a collaboration of storm water professionals who believe that storm water education doesn’t have to be big business. Once a year, during the last week of September, these industry experts hold free, one-hour workshops all over the State of California. This is high-quality storm water education that is designed to assist storm water professionals in earning continuing education credits.
Visit https://stormwaterawareness.org to see what workshops are being offered.
Escalon Storm Water System Spill Response Plan
What is stormwater runoff?
Stormwater runoff is any water or melted snow that does not seep into the ground where it falls. Instead, this water "runs off" yards, streets and parking lots into the storm drains.
Where does our stormwater runoff go?
Unlike the water from our sinks and toilets (which goes to the wastewater treatment plant), much of stormwater runoff is untreated and eventually discharges into Lone Tree Creek, Lone Tree Creek discharges into French Camp Slough, and French Camp Slough into the San Jaquan River. View the map to see where your area discharges: Escalon Discharge & Pump Map
Why is this a problem?
Read our Storm Water Education & Outreach Plan
People going about their everyday lives often do not realize the impact they have on our water supplies and the environment. As stormwater runoff travels, it has the potential to become polluted by things such as waste oil, pesticides, chemicals and pet waste. Because this water is untreated, these pollutants end up in our creeks, rivers and oceans. This contaminates our recreational and drinking water, as well as wildlife.
How can I help prevent our waters from becoming contaminated?
There are many simple things that citizens can do to help minimize pollution!
When you water your lawn…
Do not over water your lawn. Apply lawn fertilizers and pesticides sparingly to reduce run off.
Use non-toxic pest controls such as insecticidal soaps or ladybugs for aphids.
Use grass clippings as compost for your lawn.
When you care for your lawn and garden……
Always apply fertilizers and pesticides per the manufacturers directions.
To reduce the concentrations of pollutants in stormwater runoff,
avoid applying lawn and garden chemicals prior to rain events.
When you care for your pet…
Pick up pet waste.
Bag it and throw it in the garbage.
When you wash your car…
Use minimal amounts of biodegradable phosphate-free soap.
Wash your car on a grass or gravel area.
Put a spray nozzle on your hose to conserve water.
Empty any remaining soapy water into a toilet or sink.
When you paint your house…
Choose water based paints over more toxic oil based paints.
Use up all the paint before disposing of the can.
Let any residual paint air dry in the can then throw it in the garbage.
Rinse your latex paint brushes in the sink.
When you clean your driveway…
Use absorbent like kitty litter or sand to soak up oil and antifreeze spills.
Sweep up the mixture. Bag it and throw it in the garbage.
Never hose pollutants down your driveway.
To dispose of leftover pesticides and other hazardous waste, head to San Joaquin County HHW!