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Capital Improvements Projects

The Capital Improvement Program (CIP) is a three-year planning document of current and future capital projects. Typical projects include street reconstruction and overlays, water, sewer and storm water improvements, construction and/or renovation of city facilities, park developments and improvements, land acquisitions, and city beautification projects.

Revenue sources for the CIP can come from all funds in the City Budget; however, most of the City’s Special Revenue Funds go to CIP projects. The “Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Summary Sheet” and the full CIP (narratives and spreadsheets) are included in Section 10 of this message.

The CIP narratives provide descriptions of the various projects scheduled in the CIP. The CIP spreadsheets show columns for projects proposed for FY 18-19, identifying the project cost, along with any applicable engineering/public works and general government charge, projects anticipated for the following two years (FY 19-20 and FY 20-21, respectively) and for projects anticipated for “future years” (those beyond three years). The CIP spreadsheets also detail how the scheduled projects for FY 18-19 are to be funded.

The CIP budget for FY 18-19 totals $8,085,625. The full CIP document can be found here.