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Planning Commission

Planning Commission

The Planning Commission consists of five members, appointed by the City Council members, and are seated for four year terms of office. The Commission acts on all applications for use permits, variances, design review, site plan review, and makes recommendations to the City Council on applications for tentative subdivision and parcel maps, and amendments to the zoning ordinance and the City General Plan. The Commission can also initiate such amendments and provides advice to the Council on special projects.

The Planning Commission convenes regular meetings on the 2nd Tuesday, following the 1st Monday of each month at 6:30pm at the Escalon City Hall Council Chambers: 2060 McHenry Ave. Escalon CA 95320

2024-2025 Planning Commission

Steve CastellanosChair
Mike Dunbar, Vice Chair
 Barbara Willis,  Commissioner
Ronee Van Dyk, Commissioner
 Vacancy, Commissioner

Planning Commission Meeting Agendas and Minutes

Questions or comments, contact Development Services at (209) 691-7430 or visit the Planning Department.

Conflict of Interest 42-12

The Planning Commissioners are appointed officers identified in Government Code Section 87200 and file statements of economic interest with the City Clerk's office. Copies of the statements of economic interests filed by the elected officers may be obtained by visiting the offices of the Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) or the City Clerk. The physical address of the FPPC is 428 J. Street, Suite 620, Sacramento, California 95814. The physical address of the City Clerk's office is 2060 McHenry Ave, Escalon, CA 95320. The statements of economic interests for some state and local government agency elected officers may be available in electronic format on the FPPC's website at


The Planning Commission meets once a month on the second Tuesday after the first Monday at 6:30 p.m.  Planning Commissioners must be City of Escalon residents and be registered to vote in Escalon. Some duties of the Planning Commission include:

  • Prepare and recommend a comprehensive long-term general plan for the physical development of the city and any land outside its boundaries.
  • Act as the advisory agency for the city concerning the administration of the Subdivision and Map Act of the State of California and development projects within the City.
  • Investigate and recommend to the Council plans for the improvements and beautification of the City.

Interested citizens may download an application packet here or email [email protected] to request a packet be emailed.  All applications must be submitted by one of the following methods no later than FEBRUARY 13, 2025 by 5:00 p.m.

Mail: 2060 McHenry Ave, Escalon CA 95320

Email: [email protected]

Placed in the payment drop slot by City Hall front doors

Hand delivered inside City Hall

Please call 691-7400 with any questions.